Average Landing Page Conversion Rate Statistics for 2024

See what the average landing page conversion rate is as well as other interesting landing page statistics.
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Converting landing pages is an important element of a digital marketing strategy for lead generation.

For this blog post, we’ve collected recent landing page data-backed insights, including conversion rate benchmarks by industry, the impact of specific landing page elements on overall effectiveness, and more. Let’s dive right in.

Key Takeaways

The average landing page conversion rate is 7.12%.
Landing pages promoting webinars have the highest conversion rate at 22.84%.
Social traffic consistently converts better than paid search channels.
The arts and entertainment industry has the highest average landing page conversion rate at 18.21%.
38.8% of people consider design as the most important element of a converting landing page.

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Average Landing Page Conversion Rate

According to a GetResponse study conducted across 18 industries, the average landing page conversion rate is 7.12% [1].

Conversion Rates by Landing Page Feature

Landing pages promoting webinars had an average conversion rate of 22.84% (significantly higher than the overall average of 7.12%) [1].

Landing Page Conversion Rate by Traffic Channel

When grouped by traffic channel, the median landing page conversion rate from social traffic was consistently higher compared to paid search channels.

For instance, the conversion rate for ecommerce landing pages reached 7.6% (from social traffic) vs. 3.5% (from paid search) [2].

Landing Page Conversion Rate by Industry

The arts and entertainment industry has the highest average landing page conversion rate at 18.21%, while the lowest conversion rate is in the automotive sector – just 1.15%.

An Unbounce study found average landing page conversion rates vary from 7.2% to 18.2% depending on the industry (median conversion rates ranged from 2.4% to 9.8%) [2].

The catering and restaurant industry topped the ranking with both the highest average and median landing page conversion rate at 18.2% and 9.8%, respectively. Real estate and agencies ranked at the bottom in terms of median landing page conversion rates, at 2.6% and 2.4%, respectively.

Form-Fill vs Click-Through

Click-through landing pages have higher median conversion rates vs. form-fill landing pages across 15 industries (out of 16 industries included in the comparison) [2].

Building Landing Pages That Convert

Around 48% of website visitors abandon the primary landing page without exploring any of the marketing materials [3].

A survey by DataBox found that 38.8% of respondents consider design as the most important element of a converting landing page [4].

In a global survey, 54% of B2B marketing professionals cited content to download or offer forms on dedicated landing pages as the most effective tactic to acquire prospect and customer data [5].

In a survey among marketing professionals, 29% of respondents claimed to use automation for landing pages [6].

Landing Page Builder Usage Statistics

The G2 software directory includes 202 landing page builders [7]. For instance, ClickFunnels is used by around 291,890 active websites, followed by Unbounce with 113,206 live websites and Instapage with 12,899 running websites [8][9][10].

Here’s a list of some of the popular landing page builders, including a number of live websites using it:

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