“Do not be afraid to be lazy”

It is necessary to be effective, it is harmful, it’s a shame to do nothing – we hear first in the family, then at school and at work. Psychologist Colin Long is confident in the opposite and urges all modern people to learn to be lazy.

Italians call this Dolce Far Nente, which means “pleasure from nothing -eaten”. I learned about him from the film “Eat, pray, love”. There is a scene in a hairdresser in Rome, in which Julia and her friend enjoy the dessert, and a local resident tries to teach them to Italian and talks about the features of the Italian mentality.

Americans work all the week to be exhausted to spend the weekend in pajamas in front of a TV with a beer box. And the Italian can work out for two hours and go home to take a bit a little. But if on the way he suddenly sees a sweet cafe, he will go there to drink a glass of wine. If nothing interesting is on the way, he will come home. There he will find his wife, who also ran up for a short time to take a break from work, and they will make love.

We are spinning like squirrels in the wheel: we get up neither light nor dawn, prepare breakfast, collect children to school, brush our teeth, go to work, take the children from school, prepare dinner and go to bed to wake up next morning and start again the day of the groundhog. Our life no longer obeys instincts, it is controlled by countless “must” and “must”.

Imagine how much other quality will have a life if you follow the principle of Dolce Far Nente. Instead of checking mail every half an hour, in order to find out who else needs our professional help, instead of wasting free time on shopping and paying bills, you


can just do nothing.


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